Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Chesil Cod Fever

Anyone who keeps half an eye on the various sources of catch reports for the famous Chesil Beach, cannot failed to have noticed that it’s been fishing really well for the last few months and in particular the last month, when the number of codling that have been coming off beach has been astronomical with people taking bags of 30 + fish in a session.

These are not big fish generally, being around 2.5lbs on average but what they are lacking in size they are making up in numbers.
So with this in mind I headed down to the Eastern end of the beach on Saturday morning, I went for the early morning shift arriving at around 6:30 am as I knew it would get very busy later in the day. Even at this early hour though, there were lots of anglers on the beach and I still had to hike for 30 mins or so to find a bit of space.

Conditions were pretty good with a nice sea running, although the water was clearer that I would have liked. To be honest it actually looked more bassy than Coddy and I found myself wishing I’d bought my lure gear! Still the clear water didn’t affect the fishing that much and I had bites from the off. The codling were soon coming ashore, fish typical of this year’s class, at around 2-3lbs each. I think I ended up with around 10 or so in total, most coming on fresh blow lug. Not bad for a few hours fishing but quite quiet compared to some of the bags that have been taken here recently.

Amongst the codling though I managed a lovely black bream which was a PB by a mile, weighing in at around 2lb 10oz. I have tried for years to catch a decent bream from Chesil so to get one at last was a real bonus and left me feeling pretty chuffed with the session.
I packed up around mid-day, content with my mornings work and having kept 3 cod and the bream, I had enough fish to weigh me down for that horrible hike back across the shingle to the car park (anyone who has fished Chesil will understand!)

There’s a couple of pics below, I’m loving my DSLR camera but there is so much to learn, I’m taking it one step at a time however but am determined to improve my fishy photography!
So that’s it for now, hoping to get a few more trips in before Xmas, maybe the weather will settle down again and these will be bass trips!


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